Dry eye

Dry Eye

In today’s digital age, our lives have become intertwined with screens, whether working on computers, browsing on smartphones, or enjoying our favourite shows on tablets. While technology has undoubtedly made life more convenient, it has also increased complaints of dry eyes and eye strain. Extended exposure to blue light emitting digital can lead to discomfort and potential long-term damage to our eyes. However, with some simple tips and adjustments, we can maintain healthy eyes and enjoy our digital lifestyles.

What Are Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes happen when the eyes don’t make enough tears or when the tears aren’t good enough. This makes the eyes feel uncomfortable, red, and gritty. On the other hand, spending long hours in front of a light-emitting digital screen can cause eye strain, leading to tiredness, poor vision, and headaches. The blue light screens give off can also worsen these problems and make sleeping hard.

Follow the 20-20-20 medical advice

The 20-20-20 is a thumb rule is one of the best ways to protect your eyes from pain. Take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something at least 20 feet away. This simple action gives your eyes a chance to rest and keeps them from getting too tired.

Blink Regularly

Blinking is essential for moisturizing eyes and maintaining a healthy tear film. However, we tend to blink less when staring at screens, which can worsen dry eyes. Make a conscious effort to blink regularly, and think of putting artificial tears to lubricate your eyes. If so needed.

Adjust Screen Settings

Customize the settings on your digital devices to reduce eye strain. Increase the font size and contrast to make the text easier to read. Also, consider reducing the brightness and blue light emission, especially during the evening, to minimize disruption to your sleep pattern.

Ensure Proper Lighting

Proper lighting is crucial for minimizing eye strain. Avoid glare from windows or overhead lights by adjusting the position of your screen. Consider using a desk lamp with soft, indirect lighting to reduce eye strain during late-night work sessions.

Maintain a Comfortable Workstation

Ergonomics contribute to your eye health. Make sure that your computer screen is at eye level and a safe distance from your eyes. This will keep you from straining your neck and sight to see the screen.

dry eye

Take Regular Breaks & Change body postures

Giving your eyes regular breaks is essential for preventing eye strain. Utilize break times to step away from the screen, stretch your body, and allow your eyes to rest. Engaging in short physical activities can help boost blood circulation to your eyes.

Stay Hydrated

Increasing your daily water intake is vital for overall health and maintaining adequate tear production. Proper hydration ensures that your eyes stay moist and comfortable.

Regular Eye Check-ups

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Blog Summary

Adopting simple tips in your daily life can make a big difference in how likely you are to get dry eyes and eye strain from digital life. Remember to take breaks, blink often, and change the settings on your screen to make it easier on your eyes. By putting eye health first, you can keep enjoying the benefits of technology without letting it hurt your happiness or health.

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Dr. Manpreet Singh

Dr. Manpreet Singh

MBBS - M.S Ophthalmology

Chief Eye Surgeon

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